Webinar Title: The Economic Outlook & Your Farm
Day/Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm CST  

Speaker: Dr. Robert F. Dieli – President and Founder of RDLB, Inc., an economic forecasting and management consulting firm based in Lombard, Illinois.
Dr. Dieli started RDLB in 2002 after having been at the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust, and the Northern Trust, from 1978 to 2001. In addition to providing forecasting and consulting services to an array of clients in the trucking, financial services, and food sectors of the economy, RDLB publishes a set of monthly reports on current and prospective economic conditions from its website www.nospinforecast.com. Dr. Dieli received a Bachelor of Science, with honors, in Finance from Boston College in 1968, a Master of Arts in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas in 1969, and a Ph.D. in Economics in 1977 also from the University of Texas.

Webinar Description: 
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation as we host Dr. Robert F. Dieli who will discuss factors affecting economic outlook. Inflation and higher borrowing costs continue to significantly impact farm profitability in the wake of declining commodity prices. Dr. Dieli will provide several metrics that are useful in the navigation of the business cycle, as well as insights into the current composition and future path of the principal measures of inflation. He will then focus on how those factors are likely to influence the Federal Open Market Committee’s decisions on when, how and by how much, to adjust the level of the Federal Funds rate target.

Join us July 16 at 1:00 p.m. as this information is sure to provide you with valuable insights to consider as you make longer-term decisions and planning for your farm operation during this challenging financial climate. To register, click the button below.

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For more information, contact Zach Brummer, Iowa Farm Bureau, Farmer Education Program Manager (zbrummer@ifbf.org).