Setting a standard that is truly a cut above, Iowa farmers have consistently been national leaders in agriculture, conservation and innovation. That’s why there’s no better place to celebrate their efforts than at the 2024 Iowa State Fair!Join us at Farm Bureau Park where you’ll meet Iowa farmers and learn how they are exemplifying excellence through their commitment to animal care and environmentally friendly practices while producing safe, nutritious food for our communities.
Don’t miss out on your chance to play games to win some great prizes, take part in free health screenings and register to win hundreds of dollars in other great giveaways! It’s all happening at Farm Bureau Park. See you at the fair!

- Members can also register for a chance to WIN $5,000 in food and fuel. (No paper entries this year. So be sure to bring your address label from your Spokesman or Family Living publication or your Farm Bureau membership card to be entered into the drawings.)
- Pull for Iowa Farmers by playing Iowa Farm Bureau’s Pull-Tab Giveaway for a chance to win some of your favorite state fair foods made possible by Iowa farmers.
- Play the FARMSTRONG CHALLENGE to win your choice of fun prizes and learn how Iowa farmers are not only leaders in agriculture but also in their conservation efforts.
- Take a ride in the Seat Belt Convincer to learn about the value of buckling up on road trips. (9 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily)
- Take the Farm Bureau Member Benefits Challenge on your smart phone or tablet for a chance to WIN $500 in free groceries.
-Take part in FREE health screenings.
- Not a Farm Bureau member? Join at the fair and get a $10 Fareway Gift Card and be entered into a drawing for a chance to WIN $1,000 in food and fuel.