Risk Management Education

Risk Management Education

Risk has always been a part of agriculture. But farming has changed dramatically over the past few years. The most successful farmers are looking for an innovative approach to risk management as a critical part of their overall strategy. Farm Bureau’s goal is to help producers find ways to better manage their risks through effective, market-based risk management education.

Farm Bureau offers education that can be delivered in a variety of methods from local workshops to webinars. For more information on Farm Bureau’s Risk Management programs, please contact Zach Brummer, Farmer Education Program manager.


Farm Bureau offers a variety of webinars on timely topics critical to managing your farming operation.

A list of upcoming and recorded webinars are listed below.

Upcoming Webinars:

    Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Utilizing Livestock Risk Protection Alongside Record Cattle Prices
    Click here for details.

Archived Webinars: