Risk has always been a part of agriculture. But farming has changed dramatically over the past few years. The most successful farmers are looking for an innovative approach to risk management as a critical part of their overall strategy. Farm Bureau’s goal is to help producers find ways to better manage their risks through effective, market-based risk management education.
Farm Bureau offers education that can be delivered in a variety of methods from local workshops to webinars. For more information on Farm Bureau’s Risk Management programs, please contact Zach Brummer, Farmer Education Program manager.
Farm Bureau offers a variety of webinars on timely topics critical to managing your farming operation.
A list of upcoming and recorded webinars are listed below.
Upcoming Webinars:
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Utilizing Livestock Risk Protection Alongside Record Cattle Prices
Click here for details.
Archived Webinars:
- Section 1031 Exchanges in Agriculture: Examples and Issues Webinar
The Section 1031 like-kind exchange provision of the Internal Revenue Code is one of the most powerful financial tools available to landowners, allowing them to defer taxes and preserve their capital while remaining invested in real estate assets. Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we host one of the nation’s leading exchange companies and its Certified Exchange Specialists (CES®) on the benefits and guidelines of Section 1031 exchanges. - 2025 Hog Market Update & Outlook with the National Pork Producers Council
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation as we welcome back Economist Holly Cook from the National Pork Producers Council to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the hog sector in 2025. - 2025 Crop Insurance Update
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we welcome Farm Bureau Financial Services and their team of experienced crop consultants to discuss key factors to consider when selecting coverage options for the 2025 planting season. - Feeding Fewer: How Demographic Shifts are Reshaping Global Food Demand and How U.S. Agriculture Can Prepare Recording
Drawing from extensive international experience and years of demographic analysis and demand modeling, Todd Thurman reveals why he thinks agriculture's "normal" is not normal and about to change dramatically. - How to Write a Pre-Harvest Marketing Plan Recording
Ed Usset serves as a Grain Marketing Economist for the Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM) at the University of Minnesota. - 2024 Iowa Farm Income & Tax Webinar
Farmers know that staying up to date on the latest tax changes and preparing farm income taxes can be a real challenge. - How to Write a Post-Harvest Marketing Plan Webinar "Grain Marketing is Simple... It's Just Not Easy", is the title of the book written by Edward Usset, Grain Marketing Economist at the University of Minnesota's Center for Farm Financial Management.
- Successful Self-Care in a Challenging Ag Economy Webinar Recording As profitability in the agricultural sector becomes more challenging, farmers and farm families often feel alone in the battle to maintain solvency through difficult economic conditions in the Ag industry.
- The Economic Outlook & Your Farm Join us July 16 at 1:00 p.m. as this information is sure to provide you with valuable insights to consider as you make longer-term decisions and planning for your farm operation during this challenging financial climate
- Carbon Farming Programs - Should You Be Signing Up? Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we host Dr. Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor/Extension Economist in the Department of Economics at Iowa State University, to discuss current updates in the world of carbon farming.
- Livestock: Protecting Your Owned Livestock Revenue Learn how you can use Livestock Risk Protection and/or Livestock Gross Margin to protect your owned livestock (cattle, swine, dairy) revenue.
- Drought and Weather Outlook for Planting and Growing Season 2024 . Join the Iowa Farm Bureau and Dr. Dennis Todey, Director of the USDA Midwest Climate Hub at Ames, as we discuss the abnormally warm winter, persistent drought conditions, potential return of La Nina, and other impacts to planting and the growing season in Iowa and other areas of the Midwest!
- Spring 2024 Fertilizer Update and Outlook Webinar. Upward volatility in fertilizer prices have plagued ag producers in recent years. While price declines ahead of the 2024 planting season for this key input have been a welcome development, farmers still face challenges with declining commodity prices and profitability concerns.
- 2024 Spring Crop Insurance Meeting Recording. Join the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation as we host crop consultants from Farm Bureau Financial Services on Tuesday, February 6, to learn how you can use Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) or Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) to provide an additional band of coverage.
- 2024 Iowa Nitrogen Initiative – Improving Profitability Webinar. Would you like to better understand and predict the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates within and across your fields?
- 2024 Cattle Market Update and Outlook. What does 2024 have in store for cattle feeders and cow-calf producers?
- 2024 Ag Contracts & Land Easement Update Webinar Recording. Understand the basics of the contractual agreements that farmers encounter.
- 2023 Iowa Farm Income Webinar Recording
Experts cover the key information farmers need to know as they look towards this year’s tax preparation. -
Fall 2023 U.S. Pork Industry Update and Outlook with the National Pork Producers Council Webinar Recording
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we host Holly Cook - Economist with the National Pork Producers Council as she updates and breaks down the current issues impacting the hog market, including supply, demand, proposition 12, and more! -
Grain Indemnity Fund Update with IDALS
A discussion on the history, present, and potential future for the Grain Indemnity Fund in Iowa -
Navigating the cycles of agriculture. Where have we come from and where are we going from here?
High input costs, falling crop prices, drought, record land values and significant increases in interest rates are changing the landscape, and outlook for farm families across Iowa and the U.S. -
July 2023 WASDE & June 1 Grain Stocks webinar
An in-depth review of the July 12th WASDE report as well as insights into the June 1 quarterly grain stocks & subsequent market reactions. -
Innovation in the Processing of Ethanol and the Changing Composition of Animal Feed Byproducts Recording
This webinar focuses on using innovation in the processing of ethanol and animal feed, the equipment being used (existing and newly developed), as well as using grains from our region for co-products. -
2023 Ag Machinery Market Update with AgDirect Webinar Recording
An in depth look at the current ag machinery market trends including broader economic factors impacting price and availability, as well as forward thoughts/expectations for the sector. -
Soybeans, Renewable Diesel, and the Future (Webinar)
an update on the current expansions & explores the potential implications to the soybean market. . -
2023 Grain Stocks and Planting Intentions: Market Implications Webinar
After a volatile year, these reports can set the tone for the upcoming months. -
Planting and Growing Season 2023 – What Can We Say About Drought, La Niña and Other Issues?
Dr. Dennis Todey, Director of the USDA Midwest Climate Hub at Ames, will discuss current drought conditions and other impacts to planting and the growing season in Iowa and other areas of the Midwest. -
Putting U.S. Meat on the World’s Table Webinar
Exports support and increase the value of Iowa livestock products. -
International Trade: Crucial for Iowa Crops Webinar
Iowa farmers rely on international trade to provide essential demand for ag products. -
Crop Insurance - 2023 Spring Farmer Meeting Webinar
Join us on Thursday, January 19, to learn how you can use Enhanced Coverage Option(ECO) or Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) to provide an additional band of coverage. -
Search for a Pre-Harvest Crop Marketing Advantage Webinar
In these volatile markets, setting a crop price is a difficult decision. It doesn’t need to be complicated though! Historically, early sales have been some of the best for a portion of the crop. -
Understanding Ag Contracts: What You Need to Know
Contractual agreements are an important part of agriculture. Regardless of the type of contract, farmers should be aware of basic contract components. -
2022 Iowa Farm Income Tax Webinar Recording
Thursday, November 10 -
2022 Transportation Rules for Farmers Webinar
Monday, August 8, 2022 -
Livestock Risk Protection: Protecting your Owned Livestock Revenue Webinar
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 -
Cybersecurity 101 for Farmers: Risks and Protection Strategies Webinar
Iowa Farm Bureau will host a timely, informative webinar to raise awareness of cybersecurity for farm operations. -
Third Thursday: 2021-22 Crop Marketing Series
This unique webinar series will be held at 1:00 pm on the third Thursday of the month from November 2021 through April 2022. Crop marketing education will be delivered in small portions to facilitate learning along with updates on the current markets. -
What’s Driving Rising Farmland Values?
Land values in Iowa have been rising and are breaking records. What are the factors behind the trend?
Reap the Benefits of Farm Financial Records Webinar
Keeping good farm records is work! But the benefits are enormous and can make the farm more profitable and resilient!
The Economic and Local Impacts of African Swine Fever Webinar
Expert speakers will provide the most recent information on the potential economic and local impacts of an outbreak in the U.S.
Utility-Scale Solar Energy Contracts: What You Need to Know Recording
While Utility-scale Solar Energy is a topic of much discussion in Iowa. If approached with a land contract, what issues should be considered? What are the components of a contract? Is a solar lease right for your farm?
New Services for Managing Farm Stress Webinar
While stress in life is normal and can move people toward positive change or action, when it crosses the line of impacting decision-making, relationships and physical health, it needs to be addressed.
Innovative Livestock Price Risk Management Webinar Series Recordings
The intent is to help livestock (pork and beef) farmers learn about price risk management methods available to them.
Introduction to High Tunnel and Produce Production
Using a high tunnel gives growers the potential to increase production of certain crops, expand into different crops, and extend the growing season.
Successful Grazing and Pasture Management for Beef and Dairy Cattle Webinar
In order to be efficient as possible using your grazing forage, dairy and cattle producers should have a grazing plan.
Livestock Risk Protection: An Improved Risk Management Tool Webinar
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is an insurance plan designed to protect against a decline in market price. LRP is typically available for fed cattle, feeder cattle, swine and lamb.
An Iowa Farmer Shares: Families feel stress…talking about it helps
Take an important step to understand stress responses and improve your family’s ability to cope during this uncertain time.