Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.  

Upcoming Field Days

Cover Crop Workshop 

Tuesday, March 28 (12pm-2pm)

West Union Event Center 

10201 Harding Road, West Union, IA 52175

Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Consortium for Cultivating Human And Naturally reGenerative Enterprises (C-CHANGE), will host a cover crop workshop on Tuesday, March 28 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. We welcome farmers and landowners to attend the free event, which includes a complimentary meal and will be held at the West Union Event Center.

Cover crops offer many benefits to farmers and landowners, including reduced soil erosion, weed suppression potential, reduced nitrogen and phosphorus loads entering water bodies, increased organic matter in the soil and forage potential for livestock. When paired with no-tillage or strip-tillage, additional benefits include increased water infiltration to further reduce erosion during heavy rain events. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about these opportunities, ask questions, and share their experiences.

The discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Jacqueline Comito, Iowa Learning Farms program director, Dr. Matt Helmers, Iowa Nutrient Research Center director, and Dr. Mark Licht, associate professor and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and Liz Ripley, Iowa Learning Farms conservation and cover crop outreach specialist.

For more information and to rsvp, click here.


Cover Crop Workshop 

Wednesday, March 29 (12pm-2pm) 

12871 Geneva St, Indianola, IA 50125 

Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Warren County Natural Resources Conservation Service, will host a cover crop workshop on Wednesday, March 29, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. at Agri-Tech Aviation near Indianola. The free event is open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal.

Cover crops offer many benefits to farmers and landowners including, reduced soil erosion, weed suppression potential, reduced nitrogen and phosphorus loads entering water bodies, and increased organic matter in the soil. When paired with no-tillage additional benefits include increased water infiltration and reduced erosion during heavy rain events.

This workshop aims to equip attendees with best management practices for establishing and managing cover crops to maintain yields during the transition to a higher residue system of cover crops. Additionally, the workshop offers the opportunity to learn more about cover crops and crop insurance, as well as the economics of soil health.

Meaghan Anderson, Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist, will share cover crop termination recommendations for weed suppression using cover crops, as well as maintaining crop yields.

Ruth Blomquist, SW Iowa NRCS Soil Health Specialist, will discuss the economics of soil health and recommendations for cover crop planting dates.

Pamela Stahlke, director, USDA – Risk Management Agency St. Paul Regional Office, will highlight new updates related to cover crop and crop insurance programs.

A panel of farmers from Warren, Madison, and Clarke County will share how they are using cover crops in their operations, including in 60” corn rows, and how they have addressed the challenges of changing their management.

The workshop will be held at the Agri-Tech Aviation Airplane Hangar 12871 Geneva St, Indianola, IA 50125 and tours of high clearance and airplane cover crop seeders will be available following the program.

For more information to RSVP, click here.

Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar 

Wednesday, March 29 (12pm) 

Live Webinar 

The Iowa Learning Farms will be hosting a live webinar featuring Kara Salazar with Purdue University.

For more information, click here.

Cover Crop and Grazing Field Day 

Tuesday, April 4 (10:30am-12:30pm)

Blair Farm 

3531 Paragon Ave. Dayton, IA 50530

More information to come.

Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar 

Wednesday, April 5 (12pm) 

Live Webinar 

The Iowa Learning Farms will be hosting a live webinar featuring Melissa O’Rourke with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

For more information, click here.

Conservation Planning and Cover Crop Field Day 

Wednesday, April 5 (12pm-2pm)

Bormann Farm 

1307 130th Ave. Bode, IA 50519 

More information to come.