Upcoming conservation field days l February 3 update
Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.
Upcoming Field Days
Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar
Wednesday, February 8 (12pm)
Live Webinar
The Iowa Learning Farms will be hosting a live webinar featuring Pamela Stahlke with Risk Management Agency.
For more information, click here.
Beavers: Superheroes for Water Quality?
Thursday, February 9 (1pm-2pm)
Virtual Field Day
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group (CLG), is hosting a free virtual field day on February 9 at 1 p.m. CT. Join us for a live discussion with Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist at Iowa State University and Andrew Rupiper, graduate research assistant in Natural Resources Ecology and Management at Iowa State University.
The virtual field day will explore a unique research project, located at the Ann Smeltzer Trust Iowa Learning Farm in Webster County, looking at a free in-steam conservation practice tying together water quality, wood and wildlife. Funded by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, the team is working to quantify hydrologic impacts of beaver dams in the stream system and their effect on nutrients and sediment to determine the influence, positive or negative, these ecosystem engineers have within their watershed.
For more information, click here.
Cover Crop Workshop
Tuesday, February 14 (12p-2pm)
Sioux County Extension Office, 400 Central Ave NW Suite 700, Orange City, IA 51041
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Consortium for Cultivating Human And Naturally reGenerative Enterprises (C-CHANGE), will host a cover crop workshop on Tuesday, February 14 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. at the Sioux County Extension Office. We welcome farmers and landowners to attend the free event, which includes a complimentary meal catered by the Bridge View Center.
Cover crops offer many benefits to farmers and landowners, including reduced soil erosion, weed suppression potential, reduced nitrogen and phosphorus loads entering water bodies, increased organic matter in the soil and forage potential for livestock. When paired with no-tillage or strip-tillage, additional benefits include increased water infiltration to further reduce erosion during heavy rain events. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about these opportunities, ask questions, and share their experiences.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar
Wednesday, February 15 (12pm)
Live Webinar
The Iowa Learning Farms will be hosting a live webinar featuring Marshall McDaniel with Iowa State University.
For more information, click here.
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