Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.

Upcoming Field Days

The Advantages of Cover Crops

Tuesday, March 25 | 12:00pm-1:00pm


Kristin and Pat Duncanson, owners and managers of Highland Family Farms, have a goal of making sure future generations have productive soil to farm. They are working to add cover crops and advance no-till and low-till practices. When they first considered planting covers, they weren’t sure if it was going to work for them. ?In this webinar, Kristin and Pat will discuss the challenges and successes they’ve had adding cover crops to their rotation.

For more information and to register, click here.


Getting Going With Grazing

Tuesday, April 8 | 12:00pm-1:00pm


It can be overwhelming to start rotationally grazing. Olivia Pacha has just reached the end of her “first full-blown year” rotationally grazing cattle, sheep and goats. She’s also a participant in PFI’s grazing cost-share and Savings Incentive Program. In this webinar, Olivia will share what she’s learned, from what to invest more in and buy less of to navigating rental agreements and contract grazing. Come hear some insights, reflections and how-tos from a beginner who’s in the midst of figuring it out.

For more information and to register, click here.


Wetland Field Day

Thursday, April 10 | 12:00pm-2:00pm

Osage, IA

Field day attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Mitchell County landowner Myrna Hoisington about the recently completed water quality enhancement wetland constructed on her land near Orchard. Kurt Hoeft, Iowa Drainage District Association wetland field specialist, will discuss how wetlands improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Brandon Dittman, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship wetlands project manager, will share how to get involved with the Water Quality Initiative and the water quality enhancement wetland program, as well as share details on the construction of the wetland featured in this field day. A walking tour of the newly completed wetland will conclude the field day, weather permitting.

For more information and to RSVP, click here.