Upcoming conservation field days | July 12 update
Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.
Upcoming Field Days
Managing Soil Function
Tuesday, July 16 | 9:30am-1:30pm
Slater, Iowa
Hosted by Polk SWCD. They will view soils using Soil Pits under different management practices including no-till row crop, Kernza, Prairie and Alfalfa.
For more information and to register, click here.
Grazing and Cover Crop Field Day
Tuesday, July 16 | 5pm-7pm
Buffalo Center, Iowa
Located at Jack Smith Farm in Buffalo Center.
For more information, click here.
Grundy County Workshop: Biologicals, the Hot Topic
Thursday, July 18 | 9am-12pm
Grundy Center, Iowa
Hosted by Chris & Shannon Gaesser of GX Agriculture. Come see and discuss evaluating crop benefits and financial returns on biological products, making compost extract and best practices for storing, how to apply biological products, including at planting and foliar application, and fitting biological products into a crop management plan.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Growing Food for Habitat: Supporting Pollinators and Beneficial Insects in a Community Garden
Saturday, July 20 | 10am-12pm
Waterloo, Iowa
Hosted by Kamyar Enshayan with Sarah Nizzi, a speaker from Xerces Society. Come see and discuss helping communities through urban gardening and sourcing local food, creating pollinator and beneficial insect habitat in limited and urban spaces, improving urban soil quality through sustainable practices, such as composting, pesticide-free urban garden management, and using cover crops in urban farming for extended soil and insect support.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Improving Soil Through Nitrogen Reduction and Conservation Practices
Wednesday, July 24 | 2pm-4pm
Osage, Iowa
Hosted by Alec & Rachel Amundson. Come see and discuss relay intercropping cereal rye and soybeans, no-till corn and soybean production with covers, use of a bioreactor and the Conservation Reserve Program. fixing nitrogen by interseeding red clover into small grains, results of a nitrogen reduction on-farm research project through PFI’s Cooperators’ Program, and using cover crops to improve water quality in the Rock Creek Watershed
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Growing Opportunity: Season Extension, Organic Production and Scaling Up at Bridgewater Farm
Sunday, July 28 | 4pm-7pm
Bridgewater, Iowa
Hosted by Dale Raasch of Bridgewater Farm. Come see and discuss the potential of season extension to increase production and profit with tomatoes, spinach, greens and (new in 2024!) day-neutral strawberries, pest management through crop diversity, multiple plantings and higher tolerance to avoid spraying and save on labor. companion planting and interplanting to increase diversity and maximize production, and equipment to increase efficiency and capacity.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
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