Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.

Upcoming Field Days

Iowa’s Oxbows Reborn: Bringing Life Back to One of Iowa’s Vital Ecosystems

Wednesday, January 22 | 12:00pm


In the webinar, “Iowa’s Oxbows Reborn: Bringing Life Back to One of Iowa’s Vital Ecosystems,” Andrew Rust, freshwater restoration specialist at The Nature Conservancy, will showcase the Oxbow Restoration Toolkit and discuss how it is being used by conservation practitioners, landowner and others interested in learning about effective oxbow restorations. He will provide a brief on the history and environmental benefits of oxbows, and will cover the basics of oxbow restorations, from how to identify potential oxbow restoration sites using spatial imagery to designing restorations that benefit critical species such as the Topeka shiner. Rust will provide information on accessing the toolkit from The Nature Conservancy as well as through the Frontiers in Environmental Science Journal, which published a peer-reviewed article entitled, “Shaping the Future of Conservation: A model for Restoring Oxbows in Iowa and Beyond.”

For more information and to join, click here.


Unlocking the Potential of Saturated Grassed Waterways for Nutrient Reduction

Thursday, January 23 | 1:00pm-2:00pm


For more information and to join, click here.


Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Workshop

Thursday, February 6 | 12:00pm-2:00pm

Ames, IA

This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about monarchs and integrating pollinator habitat into Iowa’s landscape. The workshop will be hosted by Katherine Kral-O'Brien, Iowa State University Assistant Professor in Natural Resource Ecology and Management and leader of the Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium, John Pleasants, Iowa State University Adjunct Associate Professor in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, and Dr. Jon Dahlem, Iowa State University postdoctoral research associate.