Upcoming conservation field days | February 28 update
Below is a listing of upcoming conservation field days around the state. For a complete listing of future conservation field days, click here.
Upcoming Field Days
Building Partnerships for Conservation: A Farmer-Tenant Collaboration in Northeast Iowa
Tuesday, March 4 | 12:00pm-2:00pm
Join Mary Damm, owner of Prairie Quest Farm near McGregor, Iowa, as she discusses her successful partnership with her current tenant farmer, who practices rotational grazing with beef cattle. Since purchasing the farm in 2015, Mary has worked with neighboring farmers to graze cool-season pastures with cattle in a manner that creates habitat for nesting grassland birds, whose populations are in steep decline. Mary will share how open communication, respect and helping one another has aligned her conservation goals with those of her tenant, resulting in mutually beneficial projects for the farm’s future.
For more information and to register, click here.
Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Workshop
Tuesday, March 11 | 12:00pm-2:00pm
Fairfield, IA
This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about monarchs and integrating pollinator habitat into Iowa’s landscape. The workshop will be hosted by Katherine Kral-O'Brien, Iowa State University Assistant Professor in Natural Resource Ecology and Management and leader of the Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium, John Pleasants, Iowa State University Adjunct Associate Professor in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, and Dr. Jon Dahlem, Iowa State University postdoctoral research associate.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Evaluating Rotations of Cover Crops and Summer Annual Forages
Thursday, March 13 | 1:00pm-2:00pm
For more information and to join, click here.
Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Workshop
Tuesday, March 18 | 12:00pm-2:00pm
Coralville, IA
This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about monarchs and integrating pollinator habitat into Iowa’s landscape. The workshop will be hosted by Katherine Kral-O'Brien, Iowa State University Assistant Professor in Natural Resource Ecology and Management and co-leader of the Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium, Mykayla Hagaman, Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium program specialist, and Stephanie Shepard, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Diversity Biologist.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Conservation On Tap
Thursday, March 20 | 6:00pm-7:00pm
Rock Rapids, IA
“Our intent with this event is to help build community through encouraging farmers, landowners, and urban residents to talk about topics important within the community, what keeps them up at night, what challenges they see with conservation practices, and what they want to learn more about,” said Liz Ripley, Iowa Learning Farms conservation and cover crop outreach specialist. Hosts at the event will include Matt Helmers, Iowa Nutrient Research Center Director, and Mark Licht, Iowa State University Extension Cropping Systems Specialist. Dan Vander Zee, owner of Rock River Brewing Company, will also join in the conversations as to why water quality matters for brewing.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
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