University Industrial Hemp Resources
The University of Wisconsin has a webpage with 11 different educational resources for farmers considering growing industrial hemp in 2020 or beyond. This webpage is recommended by Iowa State University Extension, which says a big challenge for this new enterprise is availability of good, reliable agronomic and marketing information. The webpage contains webinars, articles and links to additional information such as how to grow hemp, herbicide options, and seed distributors. Watching the webinar CBD Hemp Agronomics is a good first step. Find the webpage at this link.
The University of Kentucky also has agronomic research information and an enterprise budget in an Excel spreadsheet on its website at this link.
Other educational resources available to farmers include: Penn State Extension - Industrial Hemp Production; Purdue University - The Purdue Hemp Project; Texas A & M University - Industrial Hemp Production in Texas; and the Colorado Department of Agriculture - Industrial Hemp Program.
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