Trends in GE Crops Planted
According to the USDA/NASS Acreage Report, 93% of corn acres and 94% of soybean acres in Iowa were planted with a GE (genetically engineered) variety in 2017. This information is based off results from the USDA/NASS Agricultural Survey.
U.S. corn planted with GE varieties has risen from 25% in 2000 to 92% in 2017. Leading states for utilizing GE corn varieties in 2017 include South Dakota with 97% of corn planted, Nebraska at 96%, and Kansas and Texas with 95%.
The percentage of U.S. soybean acres planted with a GE variety (herbicide-tolerant) has risen from 54% in 2000 to 94% in 2014, and has remained at 94% the past few years.
During these times of lower commodity prices, farmers are very careful to minimize production costs, which in some cases can mean taking a closer look at which seed varieties and traits they are going to plant each year.
In the map below, you can view different states for both corn and soybeans, as well as the breakdown for corn planted between herbicide-tolerant only, insect-resistant only, and stacked varieties.
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