The Battle for Turkey Producers Intensifies with Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV)
Iowa’s poultry industry, alongside producers across the U.S., is still navigating the ever-changing landscape of widespread, highly contagious diseases. While strict biosecurity measures have been widely adopted and promoted nationwide to mitigate Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)-a major concern for producers since its resurgence in early 2022-another significant threat has emerged: Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) or swollen head syndrome.
Although there is no threat to public health or food safety, it presents substantial challenges for the turkey industry. Research shows that while aMPV causes infection among all poultry, turkeys appear to be more susceptible to the virus.
The highly contagious virus compromises respiratory health and risks secondary infections posing a serious threat to current production and future stability of the turkey industry nationwide and particularly in Iowa, one of the top turkey...
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