Percentage of Corn Dented and Mature by State
According to the August 27 th USDA/NASS Crop Progress Report, 63% of the Iowa corn crop is dented, which is ahead of the 5-year average of 38% dented. Missouri and Texas both have 88% of their corn dented, and Illinois is at 80%.
7% of Iowa’s corn crop is mature, which is slightly ahead of the 5-year average (1%). North Carolina and Texas have 67% and 61% of corn mature, respectively. Missouri currently has 30% mature and Illinois is at 11% mature.
73% of Iowa’s corn crop is currently in Good/Excellent condition, 19% in Fair condition, and 8% Poor/Very Poor.
Michelle Mensing, Research Analyst, Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS). DIS is an Iowa-based economic research firm which provides regular farm economic research for Iowa Farm Bureau staff & members.
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