New conservation field days announced the week of 5/31
There were three field days announced during the week of May 31. For details about these and 17 more field days, visit here.
Recently Announced
June 18 | Native Perennial Plantings Workshop
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, will host a native perennial plantings workshop on Tuesday, June 18 from 5:30-7:30pm at Spirit Lake Community Building. The event is free and open to the whole family and includes a complimentary meal. Native perennial plantings are growing in popularity in Iowa among farmers and landowners alike due to their many benefits for wildlife and pollinators, as well as improving soil and water quality. There are many opportunities to maintain, restore and seed new native plantings on the farm. To RSVP please contact Liz Juchems 515-294-5429 or
June 19 | Tile Inlet Protection Field Day
The Southfork Watershed Alliance is hosting a tile inlet protection field day on June 19 from 10 am to 1 pm near Eldora. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig is the keynote speaker. Attendees will be able to view a blind inlet, field sock, and saturated buffer. Click here for more information.
July 9 | Pest Resistance Project Field Day
The Harrison County Pest Resistance Pilot Project is hosting a field day near Logan on Tuesday, July 9 from 10 am to 1 pm. Come learn about the project, herbicide trials, and frog-eye leaf spot. Lunch is provided by the local Cattlemen’s association. Click here for more information.
June 4 | Cover Crop Field Day
Come learn how cover crops can positively impact water quality from a diverse mix of perspectives. You’ll hear from a farmer, a soil health expert and an ag retailer’s perspective, and you’ll get to view a rainfall simulator demonstration. The farmer, Brian, will share his playbook for managing soybeans following a cereal rye cover crop, as well as some of the on-farm research projects he’s involved in. Please RSVP here by May 31.
June 6 | Saturated Buffer Installation Field Day
The Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance and partners are hosting a field day where attendees will see a saturated buffer installation in person and learn about edge-of-field practices, such as bioreactors. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the Iowa Learning Farms “On The Edge” trailer. You won’t want to miss this exciting and educational event! This field day is free and includes a complimentary meal. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to LICA by phone at 563-202-0682 or email
June 6 | Impact of Cover Crops on Water Quality and Soil Health
Come learn how cover crops can positively impact water quality from a diverse mix of perspectives. You’ll hear from a farmer, a soil health expert and an ag retailer’s perspective, and you’ll get to view a rainfall simulator demonstration. The farmer, Brian, will share his playbook for managing soybeans following a cereal rye cover crop, as well as some of the on-farm research projects he’s involved in. Learn more and RSVP for the event here.
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