Member only news
Member only news, which includes county and statewide Spokesman articles, recipes, and member exchange ads, is posted weekly on To view this content, you need a personal login. To create your login, go to, enter your membership number, zip code, and last name or business name. (Your membership number is the first nine digits printed above your address on the Spokesman.)
Enter the email address on your membership and create a password. Check the ‘Remember Me’ box if you’d like to automatically login when on the Iowa Farm Bureau website. You may call your county office or 866-598-3693 for help creating a login. Click on the NEWS button to easily view all of Iowa Farm Bureau’s news channels – Spokesman state and county news and exchange ads, recipes, Family Living, Farm Fresh Blog, and The Iowa Dish food newsletter.
If you’re looking for a specific article or recipe, use the SEARCH function to help you find it quickly.