
Monday - January 13, 2020
5:30 meal, 6:30 workshop begins


Chickasaw Event Center, 301 N. Water Avenue New Hampton, IA  


Farmers often mention that their crop marketing is challenging and needs improvement. 

This new workshop was specifically designed in these tight margin times to help farmers learn and apply the steps to corn and soybean marketing.  Developed by the Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM) at the University of Minnesota, with Iowa Farm Bureau as a project collaborator, the new workshop includes the full 18-month crop marketing window. 

You might be surprised to learn that every farmer in Iowa had a chance to get $4 cash corn in each of the last five years – when harvest prices were as low as $2.80-$3.30.  Learn how this was possible by taking the long-view in marketing with a plan that combines pre and post-harvest marketing efforts.

Every year and farm are unique, but these concepts deserve study and attention!  This is crop marketing from start to finish!!

Pre-registration is not required, but helps us plan for the workshop; registrations at the door are fine.  Pre-registrants will receive a reminder e-mail prior to the event.

The schedule will develop over time as workshop are set-up.  Workshops can be planned    If you are interested in a workshop in your area, contact your county Farm Bureau.

Register now

Contact Ed Kordick, IFBF Commodity Services Manager ( for questions on the workshop or schedule.