Some of the best conversations with my daughter happen in the car. The other day, we were talking about how everyone has their own strengths - like how I’m good with words and she loves math.

Then she said something that stuck with me: “It’s like in music. If one person doesn’t know the words to the song, then the other people can sing it.”

What a perfect way to explain how our different skills can come together to make us stronger.

That’s true in life – and in farming, too. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to growing our food.

Ask any farmer, and they’ll tell you that soil type varies not just from county to county but even from one acre to the next.

That’s why farmers use tools like precision agriculture to manage their fields down to the square inch.

But farming isn’t a solo act. It takes teamwork to protect our soil, water and wildlife.

To make the biggest impact, Iowa farmers are working together across county lines to build conservation projects, improving water quality for everyone.

In this issue of The Iowa Dish, we talk to farmers about their ongoing conservation efforts and the measurable progress in Iowa’s water quality.

We also take a closer look at rising egg prices and share easy ways to save money at the grocery store.

Plus, a nutrition expert helps break down the truth behind those “hormone-regulating” diets that social media influencers love to promote.

And since Easter is just around the corner, we’ve got a delicious recipe for Sweet Southern Slow-Cooked Ham – plus try these creative ways to enjoy the leftovers!

Enjoy the warm weather, and as farmers get back in the fields, remember to watch for farm equipment on the roads. Slow down, put down the phone and be ready for wide turns into farm fields. Let’s work in harmony to keep planting season safe for all. 

Thanks for reading, and happy spring!

Teresa Bjork
Editor, The Iowa Dish

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