Farmers show off advances in manure applicators
It’s common for Iowa farmers to apply manure to their fields in the fall. It’s a valuable and environmentally friendly fertilizer source.
But its also a process often misunderstood by non-farmers. That’s why Muscatine County Farm Bureau members Mike Deahr and his son, Ryan, invited their county supervisors to their farm to demonstrate the family’s new dragline manure application system.
The system, the Deahrs said, limits odor during application, reduces the potential for spills and is better for the crops.
"We’re trying to focus on getting the nutrients where they need to be," explained Mike about the system.
It works by pumping liquid manure from the sow farm’s manure pit directly to the toolbar hooked to their tractor.
Hoses are spaced every 24 inches and manure is injected into the ground.
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