Exchange Ad Guidelines
The Chickasaw County Farm Bureau would like to remind members the deadline for submitting ads for the exchange column is 12 p.m. each Monday. Material received by this deadline will appear in the following week’s edition of the Spokesman. Exchange column ads are free, and for Farm Bureau members only. Commercial advertising is not allowed in the exchange column, nor is land for sale, garage sales, rental and farm sale auctions or farmhouses for rent. Permitted are rental ads for farmland, farm buildings, houses to be moved and houses to be torn down and seasonal farm help are allowed. You may only advertise in the county where you have paid your Farm Bureau membership. Only the member’s phone number may be placed in the ad. Non-member's phone numbers are not allowed. Members may have two ads per week, with a limit of 25 words per ad. Ads run for two consecutive weeks and then must take 2 weeks off, and then can be submitted again.
Online Spokesman exchange ads may now include up to three photos of the items you are selling. These photos, however, will only appear on the Iowa Farm Bureau website not in the printed edition due to space constraints.
If you have any questions regarding the Spokesman Exchange Ad Guidelines feel free to contact the Chickasaw County Farm Bureau Outreach Coordinator by calling the New Hampton office at 641-394-3029 or by emailing