Webinar Title: Carbon Farming Programs - Should You Be Signing Up?
Day/Date: Wednesday - May 29, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM  (CST)

Webinar Description: 
Join the Iowa Farm Bureau as we host Dr. Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor/Extension Economist in the Department of Economics at Iowa State University, to discuss current updates in the world of carbon farming. Topics include: - What is the current status of soil "carbon farming" programs?
 - What are the benefits and costs of enrolling in such a program?
 - What question do farmers need to ask when approached to enroll in such a program?
 - How might enrollment interact with other emerging carbon initiatives: insets, tax credits (e.g., SAF or 45Z), the "supply shed" approach, etc.

Speakers: Dr. Alejandro PlastinaAssociate Professor/Extension Economist, Department of Economics - Iowa State University

 Join us on Wednesday, May 29th at 1:00 pm to have these, and your other questions answered as we explore the short- and long-term economic drivers behind these programs and their ability to impact your bottom line.

Click here to view the presentation.

 Click the button below to view the recording.


For more information, contact Zach Brummer, Iowa Farm Bureau, Farmer Education Program Manager (zbrummer@ifbf.org).