CSIF conference to explore livestock financing Dec. 1 in Ankeny
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers will host an educational conference for farmers and industry professionals Dec. 1 at the Iowa FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny.
This year’s conference, “Financing Your Livestock Farm,” features a dynamic line-up of speakers to help farmers better understand the cost-share and loan programs available for livestock projects. The conference will provide insight on the financing programs available for new livestock barns and feedlots and how the lending process works. There will also be an update from livestock company representatives that are looking for farmers to raise livestock and the opportunities available in forming those partnerships.
Chad Hart, Iowa State University professor of economics, will kick off the event by providing an overview of the global agriculture market outlook and what that could potentially mean for Iowa’s livestock farmers in the coming year. Other industry experts include Justin Septer with Farm Credit Services of America, who will provide an agriculture financing outlook; Brian Gossling with the Iowa Farm Service Agency, who will discuss how the lending process works for new livestock projects; Tammy Nebola with the Iowa Finance Authority, who will talk about the beginning farmer loan and tax credit programs; Derek Namanny with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, who will discuss the Iowa State Revolving Fund Program; and Mike Henderson, the Iowa NRCS state resource conservationist, who will talk about how the Environmental Quality Incentives Program works for new livestock projects.
For more information about the conference and to register, visit https://www.supportfarmers.com/future/ or call 1-800-932-2436.
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