Board meeting held Feb. 6
The Tama County Farm Bureau board of directors met on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 6:30 p.m. with eleven members present.
The agenda and minutes of the previous meeting were approved and the treasurers report was filed for audit.
The membership report was updated and the incentives and points were reviewed.
Sierra Hagedon reviewed the Policy Development process. Sierra is serving as an At Large member of the State Resolutions Committee.
Discussion was held on Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol and Cordt Holub, Christy Calderwood and Tyler Beenken are planning on going on Feb. 19.
There was a reminder of the Crop Marketing meeting to be held on Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. at the Toledo Bank meeting room.
The Ag in the Classroom committee reported that they will be doing egg hatching at North and South Tama Schools. The Ag Olympics will be done again during the county fair. It will be held on Thursday, July 17.
Members of the board have been asked to attend 4-H meetings in the county. There have been three 4-h meetings attended so far. Christy Flamme and Chelsea Llewellyn have represented the county at these meetings. It was discussed for others to attend open spots that are left.
Cordt Holub is helping judge Parliamentary Procedure at the District FFA Contest in March at Hawkeye Community College. The board will be reaching out to local chapters to highlight them on Facebook.
The Scholarship Committee has received the applications for Tama County students and will review and get their decision back to the county office to be posted in the Spokesman.
At the YF Conference held in January, Cordt Holub moved on in the discussion meet and will compete at the IFBF Annul Meeting in December.
Rebecca Dostal said she will be attending the F.A.R.M. Team Training on Feb. 13-14. Several board members were interested in attending the Acres of Opportunity on Feb. 15.
Daweyn Albertsen attended the Tama County Safety Action Meeting that took On Feb. 6.
The board is interested in doing a driver safety program in partnership with the county and the school resource officer. This was moved over to the AITC committee, Daweyn will also be helping. We will start with one school this spring to see how it goes and work then and add more schools in the fall.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. with the county Supervisors asked to attend.