Ag in the Classroom Programming for Spring 2025
One of the Allamakee County Farm Bureau’s main missions is to educate and promote positive agricultural messages in a variety of different communication channels. One of the most popular and vastly used platforms is the Ag in the Classroom Program. This unique program offers Allamakee County schools and teachers to have a volunteer to come into their classroom and teach students about different agricultural topics. These topics could include horticulture, animal production, lifecycles, crop production, and more! All lessons are specially designed to offer a unique activity and focus point to get student’s attention along with teaching them about something they might know much about. This also helps students identify that agriculture affects their daily life and how they need agriculture to survive.
The Allamakee County Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom Coordinator is excited to begin the Spring 2025 scheduled programming. So far for this Spring semester, over 1,000 students will be impacted and are scheduled to have a visit from the AITC Coordinator. Along with regular programming teachers were able to request to receive a Chick Hatching Kit that they can use to study egg embryology while incubating their own fertile eggs in the classroom.
If you or someone you know would like to learn more about the Allamakee County Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom Program feel free to email and the Ag in the Classroom Coordinator will get back to you as soon as she can.