Accountability of Elected Officials (State)
Currently Iowa does not allow for recall elections to remove elected officials outside of court proceedings.
1. Should citizens be able to remove elected officials through a petition and recall election process?
______ Yes ______ No
Income Tax Exemption Parity (State)
2. Should all retired farmers, regardless of how their operation is organized for tax purposes, be eligible to receive the same treatment as retired individuals who elect to exclude their farm rental income from state income tax?
______ Yes ______ No
Hydrogen Exploration (State)
In 2024, a large pool of hydrogen was discovered in Iowa, attracting energy companies hoping to extract hydrogen for viable use. Naturally occurring hydrogen can be used to locally manufacture anhydrous ammonia, or it can be used as a fuel source for power plants, industry or vehicles. If hydrogen is found, landowners have an opportunity for annual royalty payments after the well becomes operational. This new fuel resource has not been extracted previously in the United States although several exploratory wells have recently been drilled.
For most Iowa properties, landowners own the surface and everything under the surface of the ground. However, some landowners own land where the mineral rights were separated from the property decades ago.
Hydrogen Ownership
Other states require that the separated mineral rights are given back to the surface owner and “merge” back into the surface ownership if the mineral rights are not being used to extract resources...
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