In Your Community: Service to Members

“What I really enjoy about being a Farm Bureau member is they offer ongoing educational programs, seminars and events. If you attend these programs, you’ll get the latest on technology, issues, marketing, talking to the media – you name it. They offer so many great opportunities to become a better farmer and help you grow personally as well.”
Randy Dreher - Audubon County Farm Bureau Member
Randy Dreher - Audubon County Farm Bureau Member
Our services have changed throughout the years, to match our members’ changing needs. In our early years, service companies were formed to supply members with feed, petroleum, seed, animal health products, tires, fertilizer and other inputs. While we’ve moved away from providing products, we've never strayed from listening to our members’ need and working to fulfill those needs.
Farm Bureau was instrumental in bringing electricity to rural Iowa, as well as convenient mail service. A longstanding and vital service offered to our members is insurance products. As our country’s demographics shifted in the early 1900s and farmers became responsible for feeding more people, they also needed adequate protection from loss. Seeing a need that wasn’t being met, Farm Bureau leaders launched a new enterprise to be operated by and for Farm Bureau members. The Iowa Farm Mutual Insurance Company was born in 1939 and is still thriving today. Now known as Farm Bureau Financial Services, the insurance company provides a wide variety of risk protection services to our members. Click here to find an agent near you.
Farm Bureau was instrumental in bringing electricity to rural Iowa, as well as convenient mail service. A longstanding and vital service offered to our members is insurance products. As our country’s demographics shifted in the early 1900s and farmers became responsible for feeding more people, they also needed adequate protection from loss. Seeing a need that wasn’t being met, Farm Bureau leaders launched a new enterprise to be operated by and for Farm Bureau members. The Iowa Farm Mutual Insurance Company was born in 1939 and is still thriving today. Now known as Farm Bureau Financial Services, the insurance company provides a wide variety of risk protection services to our members. Click here to find an agent near you.

Keeping farms in the family is vital, and at the request of members, Farm Bureau launched
Take Root in 2013, is a series of locally-delivered workshops that provides strategies and resources to help transfer farm businesses to the next generation. To date, over 3,000 members around Iowa have participated in the Take Root program.
Farm Bureau is also committed to building and nurturing the leadership skills of its local leaders, through programs like the
Ag Leaders Institute, the
Young Farmer Program, and the
F.A.R.M. (Farmer Advocates Reaching Mainstreet) Team.